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Tag Archives: Linda & Keith Knowlton

Playlists for Long Summer Drives

Playlists for Long Summer Drives

Photo by Helen Varetska on Unsplash   Are you braving the heat and high gas prices this summer for a long road trip? If so, we at LK’s salute you! Road trip people are our kind of people. We love the freedom of the open road, the discoveries along the way, the rest stop adventures, and the time spend with people we love making a journey together.   If you’ve got your mind set on adventure, but haven’t had time to plan a music playlist, this is a reminder that Spotify is a great option for a traveler who doesn’t want to dial through radio stations from turnpike to turnpike. You can pull all of your companions’ favorite songs into a single playlist and enjoy each other’s eclectic tastes. But yo ... read more



Planning the Best Summer Road Trip, Ever!

Planning the Best Summer Road Trip, Ever!

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay    Are you ready to hit the road this summer? If you’re not prepared to get on a plane with masks optional and want to stretch your legs and see a little bit of America, a road trip might be the tonic you need to recharge your batteries. And families cooped up all year might enjoy a long journey together.   But if you want to make the trip a success, you need to plan for the adventure in a way that satisfies every member of your family. If it’s been a few years since you went on the open road with family or friends, here’s a refresher on things to do before you go!   Know Where To Go -- a crucial element of p ... read more



The Virtues of Fluid Exchanges

The Virtues of Fluid Exchanges

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash Fluid Exchanges & Your Car What’s a fluid exchange? And has the car you are driving ever had one?    A fluid exchange is what used to be called a ‘flush’, back in the day. It’s the bleeding out of old fluid, especially that fluid that has collected dirt, gravel, and particles in it, and replacing it with new, fresh fluid. This is done for the coolant, the transmission, the oil, the power steering– any crucial fluids that can see a contaminant buildup over time. While the fluid cannot be made 100% pure (this is why we no longer use the term ‘flush’), it is significantly healthier for your car. How Can a Fluid Exchange Benefit My Car? Your c ... read more



A Quick Check on Your Battery

A Quick Check on Your Battery

Photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash A Quick Check on Your Battery With the warmer weather quickly approaching, it might be time that you start thinking ahead when it comes to your car. Your car is a great investment, and we know you want to keep it going for as long as possible. The battery inside your car is very important because it powers all the electrical systems, such as the headlights and the entertainment system. Most importantly, it is the way your car powers itself.   When you think about your car battery, you probably don't consider changing it out periodically because we are accustomed to giving it a couple of years before doing so. However, sometimes things happen, and we need to get a new battery faster than anticipated. The cause of this can be for several reasons, but most of the time, it is because of harsh weather conditions that could have caused faste ... read more



Spring Forward

Spring Forward

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay   As we reach another March, all of the usual rites of spring are upon us. Birds and bees, kite-flying weather, and some rainy days to come are on the horizon. We hope you are looking forward to better weather and a wonderful summer to follow.   At LK’s Auto Repair, we want to remind you that Daylight Savings Time is upon us once again. DST gives us more daylight hours in the winter, so it’s helpful, even if it is a bit of an unwelcome adjustment each year. It’s time to ‘spring forward’ by setting our clocks one hour ahead at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March the 13th. (Your smartphone will likely take care of this for you, but a stan ... read more



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